Writer’s Block: Is there such a thing? William Stafford’s solution was to ignore "high standards" and "get into action." Exercising our writing muscles without fear of “doing it wrong” helps prepare us for the moment when the “big poem” wants to be born. In this workshop we’ll play with ways to move through the doldrums and dread, including journaling, experimenting with forms, collaborating, and more.
Although the focus will be on poetry, strategies for "getting unstuck" apply to all manner of writing.
Meets four Mondays, July 18 through August 8.
Registration deadline: Friday, July 15
- YMCA of CNY member = Free!
- Syracuse Downtown Writer's Center member = $60
- Non-Member = $80
- Click here to register online.
- Click here to view the catalog and register by phone.
- Course description is on page 3.
- Payment directions are on page 6.
- Registration form is on page 7.
- Register by phone with a credit card by calling (315) 474-6851 x380.
- If you must pay by check, please call first to reserve your place, then return your form with check payable to "YMCA" to:
- The YMCA’s Downtown Writers Center, 340 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY 13202