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Posts tagged as “David Ruekberg”

David Ruekberg & Alicia Hoffman read from their new books

David Ruekberg 0

Join David Ruekberg, author of Hour of the Green Light, and Alicia Hoffman, author of Animal as they read from their new books of poetry. The reading will be followed by a discussion about their writing.

The reading is hosted by Writers & Books, and will be presented on Zoom.

David and Alicia meet regularly in a poetry workshop with their friends Charlie Cote and Danielle Scheid Cote. David and Alicia happen to have their newest books published by FutureCycle Press, but that is a complete coincidence.

Click here to read about Alicia's previous books, Railroad Phoenix and Like Stardust in the Peat Moss, both published by Kelsay Books.

This reading is free and open to the public. Click here to register at Writers & Books to receive your Zoom link a day or two before the reading.

Hour of the Green LightAnimal, by Alicia Hoffman