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Reading at AWP 2013.
Reading from Another and Another at AWP Bookfair in 2013. (Photo: Ross White.)

is why I don’t know what’s on TV.

For now, I’m just trying to write them and get them out there. I know some people believe poetry and marketing are antithetical, but it’s hard to imagine a farmer who just contemplated his wheat in the barn.

Nevertheless, poetry is not only fun to write, but it’s fun to write about. Look over at my ruminations for thoughts about poetry and other stuff. When I’m done marketing I’ll have more to say about it over there. This page is just for bragging.


Online readings

Print and online journals

Poems from two as yet unpublished manuscripts, Weather Report (WP) and Marble & Rasp (M&R) can be found in the following online journals:

  • Amsterdam Review: “As It Is” (M&R)
  • Bloom: “A Good Day,” “Bloom,” “Child with my Face,” “Much Needed Rain,” and “Pink Trumpets” (WR)
  • Bluehouse Journal: “Larks” (M&R)
  • Sixfold: “Last Evening in April,” “A Short Essay on Love,” and “Walking and Breathing” (M&R)
  • The Orchards: “Weaver” (M&R)

For comments on “the format of poems in Marble & Rasp, see my post on “Little Coffins.”

Thanks to the following journals that published poems that appear in my second collection, Hour of the Green Light:

“After Easter” (entitled “Christmas Eve,”) and “Looking Out” first appeared in Another and Another: An Anthology from the Grind Daily Writing Series, edited by Matthew Olzmann and Ross White.

Thanks also to journals for publishing these poems that appear in my first collection, Where Is the River Called Pishon? .


Poems have also appeared in